Wellness Exams
From nose to tail, we want your pet to enjoy the benefits of good health. Since pets cannot speak to us, wellness exams can speak for them. An annual veterinary exam for adult pets and routine visits for puppies, kitties, young pets, and senior pets is important to find health issues early and support the best quality of life for your companion animal. They also give use a baseline for their unique bodies and tendencies, making it easier to detect problems in the future.

We believe that one of the most important aspects of caring for your pet’s health is vaccinating him or her against possible diseases. Vaccinations play a vital role in extending your pet’s life and preventing disease, illness, and fatality. We can help you understand and navigate the complexity of your pet’s immunizations whether you’re adopting a puppy, kitten, cat, dog, or another pet.

Puppy and Kitten Care
Getting a new puppy or kitten is very exciting. You have a lot to look forward to. The great companionship that a good pet can bring is very rewarding. However, puppies and kittens come with a lot of responsibility and work.
First, you should always bring your new puppy or kitten in for a full nose to tail examination to make sure they are in good health. We are also here to help you raise him or her to become a well-behaved and healthy adult by discussing many topics with you. Our friendly staff is well prepared to discuss vaccinations, nutrition, behavior, socialization, neutering, and much more. We are here to help you succeed at raising a good pet!
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Diagnostic Testing & Bloodwork
We offer diagnostic testing to help in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases that originate in specific body systems. These include the endocrine, gastrointestinal, immune, lymphatic, renal, respiratory, and urogenital systems. A simple blood sample can be used to perform multiple tests and assess your pet’s health the same day as the appointment. For senior pets (7 years or older), an annual blood panel is important for establishing your pet’s normal baseline and for detecting the development of diseases before your pet is having symptoms. Finding diseases early means that we have more options to treat your animal and prolong the quality of their life. In sick animals, bloodwork and testing is often vital in determining the cause of their sickness and in guiding treatment.

Rattlesnake Vaccine
We offer rattlesnake vaccines to help reduce pain and swelling from rattlesnake bites. Based on your location, this may very beneficial for your pet. We would be happy to discuss the benefits and risks of this vaccine with you.

If you have an animal that strays or are worried that they will wander, you can have a microchip implanted in your pet’s skin. This simple procedure will give you peace of mind that no matter where your animal is, it can be found and sent back home, based on the address and information found on its microchip.

Parasite Control
We have a variety of products that your animal can be given to prevent and get rid of ticks, heartworms, intestinal parasites and fleas. At the first visit for puppies and kittens, we recommend checking a fecal sample to evaluate them for intestinal parasites. We also recommend an annual fecal exam on adult animals to make sure they remain parasite free. Year round heartworm prevention and annual heartworm tests are very important in South Texas to keep your pets heartworm free. We are happy to discuss our options for preventatives with you.

Pain Management
Keeping your pets pain free as they age helps them be more mobile and content. We offer options for pain management so you can focus on the bond you share.

Prescriptions and Additional Medicine
For your convenience, we carry many commonly prescribed medications. We are working on developing our online pharmacy to further simplify ordering prescriptions for your pet.

Compassionate End of Life Care
For senior pets, house call services are especially helpful because travel and over-excitement can be difficult and dangerous for them. Many pets suffer debilitating effects as they age. If you have an older pet that is exhibiting pain, stiffness, incontinence, organ failure, etc, it is important that they see a veterinarian.
Saying goodbye to your pet can be extremely difficult. The process can be emotionally and mentally draining. We don’t want you to be alone at the end stages of your pet’s life and we promise to do everything we can to make it easier on you and your pet. Most of all, we promised to treat each case with compassionate and understanding care.
How do you know when it is time? This is a difficult question and there is no one answer. All pets have good and bad days. There are many factors that go into deciding to euthanize a pet, and it is a personal issue that differs from pet owner to pet owner. We will help provide guidelines to assist in determining your best friend’s quality of life and be alongside to aid in any way we can.
If you have special requests, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate them. Dealing with the end of a pets’ life is never easy, but we want to do whatever we can to make the process less difficult.

We offer many surgical procedures out of our mobile clinic, including spay, neuter, and mass removals. Your pet will be assessed first with a physical exam to help determine anesthetic risks and start surgical planning. Depending on your pets age and risk factors, bloodwork may be recommended prior to anesthesia to assess organ function. Procedures are performed in our mobile clinic at your house and your pet is monitored until recovered from anesthesia, then returned to the comfort of your home. Contact us to set up an appointment or inquiry about a specific procedure.

Dental Care
Dental care is key to keeping your pet happy and healthy for as long as possible. Annual physical exams are important to assess your pet’s teeth for presence of periodontal disease. Annual dental prophylaxis, where your pet is anesthetized and the teeth cleaned and assessed by the veterinarian for issues under the gumline, is key for keeping the teeth healthy and finding underlying issues that may be causing discomfort. We offer full dental cleanings and dental radiographs in our mobile clinic, and are skilled at performing extractions if needed. Once recovered from the anesthesia, your pet returns to you and the comfort of your home.